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Site Update

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Staff member
Dev Team
We have updated the site to the latest version of XF. Along with this update, we have done a fairly major redesign of the site, as well as added a few features. I have removed the custom built portal pages, and replaced them with a portal plugin that is widely used. I feel this will be a better option in the long run, as the custom pages will not need to be maintained.

1) Permissions - The way we do permissions for the site has been completely redone. Because of this, they may still have some bugs in them. If you notice anything, please start a thread in the 'site suggestions and bugs' forum.

2) Steam Integration - We have added steam integration into the forums. Only EM members can see steam profiles. Registered and Unregistered users will not be able to use this feature, or see steam profiles of other users. Please add the integration by clicking on your name in the top right, and then clicking on steam integration. This will redirect you to steams site, and ask you to log in (This is all happening directly on steampowered.com, and does not involve our site at all). Once you login, it will redirect you back to our site and ask for your password. This is your site password. It is not your steam password. Once this is done, people will be able to see your steam status on the forums.

3) Teamspeak integration - We will now be using your account in the forums to give Teamspeak permissions. It will automatically assign you a Teamspeak group based on your forum group. I will soon be changing the permissions on Teamspeak, and you will have very limited access if you do not set this up properly. Please read the Teamspeak thread in the guild only section for more information.

4) I have removed the previous custom theme from the server completely, as it was getting old, and I did not want to continue maintaining it. For those users who prefer a light theme, I am working on a light version of this theme, and will have it done soon.

As always, if you notice anything that is not working properly, please let me know.
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