These are general rules and guidelines for the forums. Please look over them. If at any time any of the rules conflict with the terms of service, the terms of service takes precedence
1. General Notice
1.1 - These rules are put in place to keep this forum clean and usable for everyone. Please remember, use of this forum is not an absolute right. It is a privilege. As such, disciplinary actions, up to and including permanent bans, may be levied upon users who do not follow these rules.
2. Content
2.1 - You remain solely responsible for content posted under your account. Please see the terms of service for more information.
3. General
3.1 - Use descriptive subjects-This will help others find what they want to read. Topics with bad subjects may be deleted.
3.2 - Don't double post-Try not to post topics that have already been discussed / have an active thread open.
3.3 - No Trolling - Do not make posts that are inflammatory, and posted just to annoy people.
3.4 - No Illegal content- Do not post or link to illegal content.
3.5 - Keep posts in their proper forum - Please try to keep your posts in the appropriate forum. Having to move posts around all the times is extra work for the moderators and administrators.
3.6 - Don't Necro Post - Necro posting is replying to an old (out of date) topic. Reopening old threads can cause confusion for other members, and is frowned upon. If you want to discuss the same topic as in an old thread, start a new topic.
3.7 - Don't ask for ratings - E.g. "Rate if you think X". Users will rate your posts if they find them useful. Please don't ask for ratings.
4. Racism and Hate Speech
4.1 - Racism and Hate Speech will not be tolerated. Your post will be deleted, and you will be banned without warning.
5. Pornography
5.1 - No pornographic materials are to be posted or linked to on these forums
6. Advertising
No Advertising or referral links are to be posted on these forums at any time.
7. Spam
7.1 - Spamming is forbidden on these forums. Any spammers will be banned without warning
8. Spoilers
8.1 - Any spoilers must use the spoiler tag, that way, users can choose weather to read them or not.
9. Images
9.1 - When posting images, please either use a free image hosting services such as imgur, or attach them directly to the forums. This will help to avoid broken links and bandwidth abuse.
10. User Accounts
10.1 - You are permitted only one user account per person.
10.2 - If you have more than 1 account, please contact us imedietly so we can resolve the issue
10.3 - If you have issues with your main account, please contact us. We will help you resolve the issue. DO NOT start a new account.
10.4 - Users of multiple accounts are subject to disciplinary action.